ISOfrane Dive watch RUBBER strap
In the 1950s watches started to become waterproof, this milestone in technical development gave watches new capabilities and new application fields, like using them in water and under water. Leather straps were popular and special leather treatments were developed to make leather as water resistant as water resistant as possible. We don’t know why the stainless-steel bracelet was not the no 1. choice.
In the Sixties, the first rubber strap manufacturer emerged and created the TROPIC strap, the first TROPIC straps were rather plasticky and became brittle, were not very gentle on the skin either. That is when ISOfrane came in and considered using the rubber compound that is used in the automotive industry to manufacture tires, tires are always exposed to heat, rain, ice and all types of chemicals on a daily basis and they don’t suffer as the rubber straps from back then under climatic changes.
So it has become obvious that this is the way to go, and that’s when ISOfrane was born. Using a rubber compound similar to that of car tires to create the world’s most durable water proof watch strap ever.
Yet, the compound was not all an ISOfrane had to offer, ISOfrane design introduced large ventilation slot for ventilation and the underside had rigs to prevent the strap from sticking in the skin. The combination of durability, comfort of wear and softness made the world’s greatest dive watch strap.
Fast forward to 2010, the Synchron Group brought back the world’s most famous rubber dive watch strap and since, ISOfrane has become an acronym for quality, durability and comfort of wear.

ISOfrane watch band
We used the best recipe, made it non-allergic, non-toxic and added even more durability and softness to rubber WITHOUT using silicon (the dust magnet) to bring back the legendary ISOfrane dive watch band, which is possibly the best watch strap you’ll ever buy.

The modern dive watch bands
Hypoallergenic, with a superior fit and feel – and 100% Silicone free! The modern ISOfrane dive watch bands have been designed to replicate the original ISOfrane straps. They bear the same attention to detail as the original with the ventilation straps and straight end lug attachments. The ISOfrane watch band is the perfect addition to any dive watch – vintage or modern.