ISOfrane, soft, durable and comfortable
possibly the best dive watch band you’ll ever buy!
Watch strap – Back to Switzerland in the 60s
When the makers of the greatest dive watches needed a rubber strap in the 60s and 70s, they chose ISOfrane!
Sometimes the simplest design is the best…
When our first ISOfrane dive strap debuted in the early 60s, it has quite literally changed the shape of diving – or at least the shape of dive straps! Before, dive watch bands were usually made from rubber.They were sticky, uncomfortable and would often blister and crack when often exposed to the sun salt and cold. These straps were even harder on the divers wearing them. Without ventilation, the skin didn’t breath. The ISOfrane watch band changed all of that.
Our original ISOfrane watch bands were manufactured using a compound called isoprene. And just what is isoprene? Isoprene is a, liquid hydrocarbon that is obtained in the processing of petroleum and is used as a raw, chemical material. Isoprene was far more durable, and maintained its looks.
ISOfrane today..
We used the best recipe, made it non-allergic, non-toxic and added even more durability and softness to rubber WITHOUT using silicon (the dust magnet) to bring back the legendary ISOfrane dive watch band, which is possibly the best watch strap you’ll ever buy.

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possibly the best dive watch strap you’ll ever buy!
The ISOfrane watch strap was born in the 1960s from the necessity for a strong and durable water proof watch strap that was also comfortable to wear. Before the ISOfrane, dive watch bands were manufactured using materials that were not always the most forgiving to the wearer.
In the early sixties ISOfrane developed a new compound– Isoprene-, a colorless, liquid hydrocarbon that is obtained in the processing of petroleum and/or coal tar and is used as a raw chemical material. Isoprene was far more durable that the rubber straps of the day. In addition, the watch bands were designed to breath with the addition of ventilation straps.
The ISOfrane watch straps were so revolutionary that they quickly became the standard. When the manufacturers of some of the world’s most iconic dive watches were looking for a dive watch strap, they turned to ISOfrane.
2010 marked the return of ISOfrane, Today’s ISOfrane straps are manufactured using a new rubber compound guaranteeing a strap that is softer, more comfortable and durable than anything else on the market.
Hypoallergenic, with a superior fit and feel – and 100% Silicone free! The modern ISOfrane dive watch bands have been designed to replicate the original ISOfrane straps. They bear the same attention to detail as the original with the ventilation straps and straight end lug attachments. The ISOfrane watch band is the perfect addition to any dive watch – vintage or modern.

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