ISOfrane History
ISOfrane History
When the makers of some of the most iconic dive watches of the 60’s and 70’s needed a rubber strap they chose ISOfrane!
Sometimes the simplest design is the most advanced
When the ISOfrane dive strap debuted, it quite literally changed the shape of diving – or at least the shape of dive straps! Before, the ISOfrane dive straps were usually made from rubber. They were sticky, uncomfortable and would often blister and crack in extreme conditions. These straps were even harder on the divers wearing them. Without ventilation, the skin doesn’t breath. The ISOfrane strap changed all of that.
The ISOfrane strap was the result of a more humane design. ISOfrane straps were manufactured from isoprene.
The original ISOfrane straps were manufactured using a compound called isoprene. And just what is isoprene? Isoprene is a colorless, liquid hydrocarbon that is obtained in the processing of petroleum and/or coal tar and is used as a raw, chemical material. Isoprene was far more durable, and maintained its looks.
ISOfrane rebirth in 2010
Rick Marei dedicated the most part of his professional life to finding the lost gems of the Swiss Watch industry, he was behind the rebirth of the DOXA SUB, AQUADIVE, ISOfrane, Tropic and many others. Rick built the first Swiss Watch brand’s online store in 1999, and has created a new way of marketing and selling watches, that has been followed by hundreds of brands. The term Micro watch Brand didn’t exist before that date.